Oh, it took so long to publish that first post! The photos didn't quite work the way I wanted and I kept thinking that I'd figure it out, but no. Now the garden is frozen over; the poor kale plants stand out there in their shrouds of snow, the only things not laid low by winter. Our cats (six of them) are spread out all over the couches, sleeping with an abandon I envy. Nothing sleeps more thoroughly than a cat. So while I sit up, awake, they mock me with their snores.
Little is left of last year's harvest - three pumpkins, which have finally(!) turned orange, wait for me to sacrifice them for their hull-less seeds. And maybe pie. I've been hoarding them for a day when I need a boost from the garden. Quite a number of small, very sweet potatoes remain in the pantry where they keep company with a motley selection of squash. And the shelves hold jars of canned tomatoes, green beans, fruit preserves and my first ever fruit butters. (Oh, the apple-plum is everything I hoped for!)
Now (later) the pumpkins have been cooked, pureed and frozen and the seeds dried enough to store. I think I'll save them until the first garden working day. I'll toast them in a dry cast iron pan until they pop (almost like popcorn) and sprinkle them with tamari. It will be a way to connect last season with the new one. I cooked some of the puree into a crustless pie and discovered why some pumpkins(not this one) are specific for pie. The flavor is thin and the texture is light weight
I'm behind in ordering seeds for this year. After an unprecedented vacation that took me all the way back to my freshman year in college, there's a lot of catching up to do. And I need to come up with about $400 to get the main order placed. I want a whole weekend by myself to curl up with the Johnny's catalog. When the cold winds blow I need to look at some of that garden porn: full color pics of perfect vegetables. I will probably order most of the same varieties, but I have to work on this year's crop rotation and work out quantities. Seems there is some software I could buy to make this easier; just have to remember where I read about it.
Half a dozen seed catalogs lie around the house, filled with tempting, full-color pictures and mouth-watering prose. My favorite one is Johnny's - they're fast, the phone staff knows their stuff and they have great pictures. My friend, Laura, loves Fedco - they are something of a seed savers cooperative, which I can respect, but the catalog is in black and white and their listings are in an arcane order which makes things infuriating to look up. They don't take credit cards and you can't order by phone. In other words, they are purer than God. This keeps costs down, but you have to be methodical and well-planned to make good use of them. Not so great for the impulse buyer who needs those great pictures to kick her into gear.
This weekend, when I should be ordering those seeds, Ken and I will be witnessing Clifton & Jody's wedding. They're getting married on Valentine's Day, in the woods, on horseback. I'm looking for Carharts to borrow. We'll all spend the night at the Double JJ Ranch (Are they over compensating here? Maybe they should call it the Double JJ Ranch Ranch) Clifton and Jody are honorary members of our family; they come to Thanksgiving, spend the night on New Years and are members of the garden. They've been together for fifteen years. When they told Jordan, Jody's son who is studying in Japan this year, at first he thought they were joking.
Now that my winter vacation is over it's time to get in gear. The seed order awaits!